Those eagle-eyed among us may have spotted a new installation in church on Sunday mornings – if you didn’t then don’t worry, they’re easily missed!

The dangling gadgets, located parallel to front of house, are actually mini microphones, designed to pick up the atmosphere of the congregation – but don’t worry, you won’t be coming through the speakers during the worship!

The audio is being channelled through to our online livestream so those who are unable to make it in-person can still feel the presence of our members in the comfort of their home.

The microphones are designed so that small individual murmurings won’t be picked up but loud prayers and general-level praise will be – so if you’re slightly shy about your singular signing voice coming through or concerned about your private quiet prayer being picked up, fret not!

We’re blessed that God continues to open doors for us and thank Him for His provision, be that in fellowship, technology, or otherwise.

A special thank you to Rick for installing the system, to worship leader Tom for spending time to sort through the sound desk and to the anonymous donor who funded it all.